The Humanist Hypnosis proposes a complete cosmology of the life and psyche.
This set of principles supports the practice, on one side, of the Simple Symbolic Therapy (action of the person on its constituent symbols, for the therapy and coaching) and, on the other side, of the Advanced Symbolic Therapy (action of the person on its deep archetypes, in psychotherapy).
Of course, it is not necessary for the patient to be interested and even less to understand all this to benefit from the Humanist Hypnosis. However, it becomes more useful for the therapist-to be.
Here are thus some articles (in French) to complete the answers given in our “FAQ”…
- What is “Hypnosis”? What are its application fields?
- What is Conscience? Basic notions
- Our Conscience: major key to our existence!
- How to be Humanist : 10 things they do
- 3 clues to recognize a Humanist session
- Humanist glossary: definition and concepts
- Positive synchronization in Humanist Hypnosis
- Material expansion: example of induction in opening
- Conscience : presentation, definition, characteristics
- Theory prevails on observation: explanations and examples
- Dark energy and matter: what the Universe is made of
- What Einstein didn’t know yet: a few physic basics
- Morphic resonance: form fields
- A quantic world: the quantum physics at the concrete level
- Memory of water: objectify the effect of the Consciousness on material
- Heart and Conscience: our body reflects the fields of Consciousness
- A ray of light: each Conscience gathers all others
- The great story of life: a Humanist tale
- Limits of the other forms of Hypnosis compared to Humanist Hypnosis
- L’Hypnose Humaniste et la Mindfulness : quel rapport ?
- L’Hypnose Humaniste et la Thérapie par Activation de Conscience : quel rapport ?
- L’Hypnose Humaniste et la Réification : quel rapport ?
- L’Hypnose Humaniste et l’Hypnose Quantique ou Spirituelle : quel rapport ?
- Humanist Hypnosis VS Hyperempiria
- How to “see” with your Conscience
Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions rubric for other interesting questions.