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Discover the Hypnosis 4.0: without manipulation, without loss of control or loss of consciousness.
You experience a true state of hypnosis and enjoy it as you wish, with the help and explanations of an experienced hypnotherapist. Read the presentation

Humanist Hypnosis is a form of hypnosis in Consciousness.

  • The particular feature of Humanist Hypnosis is to be reversed: it works “in opening” in order to generate a state of hypnosis without loss of consciousness but instead by more consciousness, of oneself, of others and of the world.
  • The person experiments an “heightened state of consciousness” and enjoys all the benefits of hypnosis in therapy and coaching: same hypnotic phenomena (memories access, regressions, therapy, anesthesias, etc.) but under the person’s own control.
  • The person can then work on themselves as they wish, at their own pace, without manipulation and with no hidden or subliminal suggestions from the therapist. The protocols are simple and the therapy is therefore perfectly “tailor-made”.
  • The Humanist Hypnotherapist is a guide, who explains and helps but never intervenes “on” the person without their knowledge and understanding. Their role is to assist.

With its distinctive features, Humanist Hypnosis is both a therapeutic practice (stress, sleep, weight, tobacco, etc.) and a psychotherapy (malaise, depression, couple, etc.) and coaching practice (systemic, in-depth action that respects private life).

The Founder Books



Lockert, D'Angeli, Ed. First

Le livre pour découvrir l'Hypnose Humaniste, que vous soyez à la recherche de thérapie, de coaching ou que vous souhaitiez vous former professionnellement : des exercices et toutes les bases pour bien vous lancer (338 pages)....

En savoir plus


Olivier Lockert, Ed. Courrier du Livre

Le "support de cours" pour les formations en hypnose humaniste. Un livre accessible à tous, mêlant la théorie à la pratique, grâce à de nombreux exercices et cas illustrés (256 pages)...

En savoir plus


Voie de Guérison et d’Éveil

Olivier Lockert, Ed. IFHE

Cours illustré d'Hypnose Humaniste : philosophie, techniques d'induction hypnotiques, outils et applications pratiques, discussions (392 pages)...

En savoir plus


Guérir vos Blessures Intérieures

Patricia d’Angeli, Ed. IFHE

Cours théorique et pratique sur les applications approfondies de la thérapie symbolique humaniste, axées sur les facettes de l'Inconscient (256 pages)...

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